Ages 0-5th Grade
We provide a Gospel Project Sunday school class for children ages pre-K through 4th Grade. After singing & praying with the congregation, these children will leave to go learn about how the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is all about Jesus.
Younger Kids Sunday School
at the interlude of the AM service
Ages 4 Through 4th Grade
Older Kids Sunday School
5th & 6th Grade
once a month at the interlude of the AM service
We provide a once a month Sunday school class for the 5th & 6th grade children. This is a great opportunity for the older kids to learn how to sit in the service with the rest of the congregation for 3 weeks out of the month & learn how to take notes. On the 4th Sunday of the month, they have a class where they discuss & talk with their teachers about what God has been teaching them in the service.
Ages 0 - 3
We provide nursery for children 3 years & younger during the entire service.
during the AM service